Jane McGonigal, who holds a doctorate in performance studies, is a famous game designer and the Director of Games Research & Development at the Institute for the Future. She went as far as to develop a game for her own personal healing. After suffering a traumatic head injury in 2009, Dr. McGonigal created
SuperBetter, as a means to help her fight post-concussion syndrome. Since then, the game, also known as
Jane the Concussion Slayer, has been redeveloped to tackle depression, anxiety, chronic pain, insomnia and traumatic head injuries.
Dr. Dana Klisanin is an award-winning psychologist and CEO of at Evolutionary Guidance Media. She has designed
Cyberhero League, a scout-like adventure game with a real-world twist. The players' objective is to achieve the United Nations' Sustainable Development goals.
"Some of our goals for
Cyberhero League include promoting character strengths and virtues," Dr. Klisanin said. "These include altruism, empathy, and compassion."